
We publish a recurring newsletter to cover market trends including our St Simons Island Market Analysis Report and updates about regulatory changes facing Glynn County and vacation rentals.   The information is free for anyone with an interest in St Simons vacation rentals.

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Recent updates include details about the following topics:

Market Analysis Report – COVID-19 Edition

At Lighthouse Vacations we track several key performance measures about the local vacation rental market and produce reports and analysis for property owners and local authorities.  We also keep abreast of local and state legislative initiatives that impact vacation rental owners.  Sign up below to receive our quarterly reports.

We’ve also produced a special COVID-19 edition of our St Simons Vacation Rental Market Analysis Report that you, as a vacation rental property owner, might find insights from.  We’ll continue posting updated analysis until this season passes.

The chart below, for example, documents the occupancy levels of St Simons during the COVID-19 season.  Sign up below for the full report.

County/State COVID-19 Responses:

  • March 13-16: Glynn County cancelled certain large events and public school on March 13-16. Many school systems across the US took similar action.
  • March 20:  Glynn County took the action to close the beaches of St Simons effective until April 13.
  • March 31: On March 31, the county took the further step to require cancellation of all vacation rentals, hotel, and B&B stays effective through April 30, with cancellations still being carried out by many property owners as of the time of writing this report.
  • April 3: Governor Kemp issued an executive order, which became effective at 6 pm on April 3, 2020.  This order suspended the counties and cities powers to enforce any local ordinance or order adopted since March 1, 2020 with the stated purpose or effect of responding to a public health state of emergency, ordering residents to shelter-in-place, ordering a quarantine or combatting the spread of coronavirus  or COVID-19 that in any way conflicts, varies or differs from the terms of this Order.
  • April 3: Governor Kemp ordered Georgia beaches re-opened on a limited basis, for exercise purposes.  No beach chairs, tents, etc. are allowed.

Keep informed as the situation continues to evolve.


County Vacation Rental Ordinance Efforts

Please watch the Glynn County Commission Meeting held on January 3, 2019. For more information and updates as they come available, sign up to our OrdinanceWatch newsletter below.