You already know that the Golden Isles are a prime destination for outdoor activities and coastal recreation. You can take to the water surfing, kayaking, and fishing or catch some physical activity on land with tennis, hiking, biking, and horseback riding – all while taking in the sunshine and seascapes of coastal Georgia. However, there may be one fun activity that’s flown past your radar so far – disc golf!
What Is Disc Golf?

The game of disc golf is very similar to traditional golf, but the equipment is a bit different. Disc golfers use flying discs similar to frisbees instead of golf balls, and they don’t “putt” with a golf club. They aim to sink their disc in specially-designed baskets called discatchers instead of holes in the ground. Though you can play with one simple disc, it is recommended to use a combination of three types of discs for optimal performance at varying distances: a driver, a mid-range, and a putter.
Disc Golf is a smart, fun way to get active in the great outdoors. Disc golf courses are often found in parks and recreation areas, and the sport is one that doesn’t require extreme physical skill. It’s a great activity for all ages and abilities, encouraging mental and physical focus and strategy.
How To Play – The Basics

Starting from a designated tee-box, disc golfers continue to throw their disc until they land it in the basket. A stroke is counted for every throw, being tallied in sum from basket to basket until the course is complete. Like traditional golf, the object of the game is to complete the course with the fewest number of throws. There are a few basic rules you should know for proper disc golf etiquette:
- The player whose disc is farthest from the hole always throws first, and the player with the fewest strokes on the previous hole is first to tee off on the next hole.
- Fairway throws must be made with the foot closest to the hole on the spot where the last throw came to rest.
- A throw that lands out-of-bounds must be played from the point where the disc went out-of-bounds.
- Maximum score for any hole is 6 throws.
Where To Play On St. Simons Island

At one time, Gascoigne Bluff was the landing point for ships entering the harbor at SSI. Since then, Gascoigne Bluff has seen many evolutions of purpose, from a military headquarters to a lumber mill and even a Sea Island cotton plantation. Remnants of these past states still remain today, among 24 acres of greenspace lush with live oak trees and natural recreation for locals and visitors alike.
The Gascoigne Bluff park and historic site features a public fishing pier and floating dock, a waterfront picnic pavilion with BBQ grills, restroom facilities, a paved fitness trail, and the 6-hole disc golf course.
Designed by Russell Schwarz and Neal Lanier, the disc golf course at Gascoigne Bluff was established in 2008. The mostly flat, 6-hole course is a par 27, measuring 1,572 feet in length, with multiple tees. Set against the picturesque Frederica River, it’s considered a slightly technical course due to the low canopy of Spanish moss-draped live oaks serving as obstacles along the way. The course is considered very cart friendly.
Admission to the park is free, and there are no fees to play disc golf. Gascoigne Bluff is open year-round and maintained by the Glynn County Parks and Recreation Department
Driving Directions to Gascoigne Bluff
1000 Arthur J. Moore Drive, Saint Simons Island, Georgia 31522
From I-95; exit #38. Go east on GA spur 25 until it merges with 17 south, then 1.5 miles to a left on FJ Torras Causeway. Left at 1st light on Sea Island Drive, then next left on Hamilton Road. At the end of the road, make a left into the park. The 1st tee is located next to the pavilion.